Fast Track to Service Plumbing

Are you a Service Company and can't afford to wait four years for your technicians to be productive?

You'll want to check out Fast Track to Service & Repair.  What is Fast Track?   

Fast Track is a comprehensive entry-level training course, built for contractors by contractors, for technicians who do residential or commercial service and repair work.  Aligning with hand-on practical skills training, the courses are intended to train technicians to be job-ready with a good understanding of plumbing systems.  

FAQ Fast Track to Service Repair - Plumbing and HVACR.pdf

Fast Track To Service & Repair Plumbing SPECIAL OFFER - Buy One Get One Free - ONLY $2,895

Fast Track Plumbing Syllabus.pdf         

Course Cost: $2,895.00 per student per year includes text book.
The program is expected to be completed in 12-18 months.
Fast Track does not qualify for RTI.


 The PHCC Academy of Georgia is a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational organization. Course curriculum developed by PHCC Educational Foundation.